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How I Finally Made Progress

My Vision Was Once Vague Too

When I first set out to build my business, I had a big dream—one that felt bold, inspiring, and full of possibility. I could picture the success I would achieve, the impact I’d make, and the fulfillment it would bring. But after months of working tirelessly, I wasn’t seeing the results I’d hoped for. Instead, I felt stuck—like I was spinning my wheels without actually moving forward.

It was frustrating. The more effort I put in, the more I realized something important: my vision, though inspiring, was too vague. It was big, yes, but it wasn’t clear enough to guide me. I didn’t know what concrete steps to take or how to measure my progress. It felt like standing at the foot of a mountain without a map, staring up, but not knowing how to begin the climb.

That’s when I realized a hard truth: having a dream is only the beginning. To turn it into reality, I needed more than just excitement and passion—I needed clarity. I had to break it down into actionable steps, measurable outcomes, and clear milestones.

Once I started refining my vision into something detailed and concrete, everything began to shift. My once-vague dream became a roadmap I could follow, and the progress I had been struggling to see finally started to come into focus.

If you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed by your big goals, it might be because, like me, your vision isn’t yet clear enough. It’s not about dreaming smaller—it’s about getting specific. 

Start by Asking the Right Questions

When my vision was still vague, I didn’t realize it was because I hadn’t asked myself the right questions. I was excited about my goal, but I wasn’t sure how to make it real. It’s like saying, “I want to build a house,” but not deciding on the number of rooms, the style, or even where to put it. I realized that the only way to move forward was to start clarifying exactly what I wanted.

What Does Success Look Like to Me?

The first thing I had to do was define success in specific terms. I knew I wanted to build something meaningful, but what did meaningful really look like? For me, it wasn’t just about creating a business that thrived financially—it was about helping individuals discover their unique purpose. Once I got clear on that impact—helping people tap into their true potential and purpose—everything started to change.

I asked myself: What does success look like in my vision? Was it a number, a lifestyle, an outcome? The clearer I was about what success meant to me, the easier it became to chart my course.

Who Does My Vision Impact?

The next question that helped me refine my vision was thinking about who I was trying to reach. It’s easy to say, “I want to help people,” but who are those people? Once I got specific—individuals who feel disconnected, overwhelmed, or stuck whether they’re questioning their career path, struggling in relationships, or feeling unfulfilled in life—I could tailor my actions to meet their needs. Knowing my audience was key because it helped me understand who I was really serving.

I asked myself: Who is affected by my vision? Was it my customers, my team, my community, or even my family? Getting specific about this gave me more clarity about how to approach my goals.

What’s the Real Outcome?

One of the most powerful questions I asked myself was, What am I truly trying to achieve? At first, I thought it was just about building a successful business, but as I dug deeper, I realized it was about much more. I wanted to help people—those feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, or stuck—find their unique purpose. But it was also deeply personal. I wanted to create a life where I could provide for my family, be present for them, and break free from the traditional 9-to-5 grind. I didn’t just want professional success—I wanted the freedom to spend time with my loved ones, on my own terms, while doing meaningful work.

So, I asked myself: What’s the real outcome behind my vision? It was more than just financial success. It was about personal freedom, family, fulfillment, and creating lasting change. The more specific I got, the clearer my path forward became.

Reflection Moment: Time to Get Clear

I took a moment to think about these questions for my own vision. I grabbed a pen and wrote down what success looked like for me. Who my vision would impact. And what the deeper outcome I was after was. By answering these questions, I was already on my way to refining my vision into something more tangible and actionable.

Once I got clear on these answers, everything started to fall into place. Instead of a vague dream, I had a clear picture of what I wanted—and that made all the difference in taking real steps forward. If I did it, so can anyone.

Break It Down: From Big Dreams to Specific Goals

Once I got clear on what my vision truly was—helping people discover their unique purpose while also creating the freedom to be present for my family—I had to figure out how to make it happen. The vision was inspiring, but without a plan, it was just that: a dream. What I needed was a roadmap, a way to break that big vision into smaller, achievable steps.

I used to think that having a grand vision meant working toward one huge, distant goal, but that approach left me feeling stuck. It wasn’t until I learned to break things down into specific, actionable goals that real progress started to happen. Here’s how I did it and how others can too.

Step 1: Identify Milestones

I thought of my vision as the destination, and my goals as the stepping stones that would get me there. The first step in refining my vision was identifying clear milestones along the way. For example, when I first set out to build my business, I didn’t just aim to help people discover their purpose overnight. Instead, I focused on milestones like building a website, connecting with my first clients, and creating content that resonated with my audience. These smaller goals kept me focused and motivated.

I asked myself: What are the key milestones that will take me from where I am now to where I want to be? Whether it was launching my first product, getting a certification, or creating a routine that supported my vision, I made sure my milestones were specific and measurable.

Step 2: Set SMART Goals

Once I identified my milestones, it was time to get even more specific. One of the most effective ways to do this was by using the SMART framework—goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

For example, instead of saying, “I want to grow my business,” a SMART goal might be, “I want to sign 10 new clients in the next three months by offering targeted coaching packages.” This goal was specific (sign 10 clients), measurable (10 clients in 3 months), achievable (with a clear strategy), relevant (aligned with my vision), and time-bound (a 3-month deadline).

I asked myself: Are my goals SMART? If not, I tried breaking them down further to make them more concrete. This gave me a clear path forward and helped me measure my progress.

Step 3: Break Goals into Daily or Weekly Actions

After setting my SMART goals, the next step was to break them down into daily or weekly actions. This is where the magic happens—by turning my vision into a series of manageable tasks, I made it easier to stay on track. For me, this meant setting aside time each week to connect with new clients, create valuable content, and refine my offerings. It wasn’t about making huge leaps all at once—it was about taking consistent, purposeful steps every day.

I asked myself: What can I do today or this week that will move me closer to my goals? Even small actions, taken consistently, would add up over time.

Step 4: Celebrate Small Wins

One thing I learned early on was the importance of celebrating the small wins along the way. Refining my vision and achieving my goals was a marathon, not a sprint, and it was easy to get discouraged if I didn’t acknowledge the progress I was making. Whether it was hitting a milestone, completing a daily task, or learning something new, I took time to recognize my efforts.

Celebrating these small wins kept me motivated and reminded me that I was moving forward, even when the finish line still seemed far away.

I asked myself: How can I celebrate my progress? What small wins can I acknowledge today?

Reflection: Create My Own Roadmap

I took a moment to think about how I could break my vision into smaller, achievable goals. What were the milestones that would lead me toward my vision? How could I break those milestones into daily or weekly actions? By breaking my vision down into specific goals, I created a clear, actionable roadmap that made even the biggest dreams feel within reach.

Breaking down my vision into smaller goals was one of the best decisions I made. It not only helped me stay focused, but it also made the entire process feel more manageable. Progress didn’t happen all at once—it was built step by step. Now, it’s my turn to keep following that roadmap, and it could be anyone’s turn to create theirs.

Stay Flexible and Open to Evolution

One of the biggest lessons I learned while refining my vision was that no matter how detailed my plans were, things rarely went exactly as I expected. When I first started out, I thought I had everything figured out—my goals, my action steps, and my vision clearly outlined. But life, as it often does, threw me a few curveballs. Instead of seeing these moments as setbacks, I realized that flexibility is just as important as having a plan.

My vision wasn’t static—it evolved as I did. The more I learned, experienced, and grew, the clearer and more refined my vision became. Here’s how I stayed flexible and open to change while still moving forward, and how anyone can do the same.

Step 1: Embrace Feedback

One of the quickest ways I refined my vision was through feedback—from clients, mentors, and even my inner circle. Early on, I was laser-focused on helping people discover their purpose, but as I started working with individuals, I realized that many needed more guidance around mindset and self-confidence before they could even think about purpose. By listening to what people were telling me, I adjusted my approach and offered more tailored support.

I asked myself: Who can provide feedback on my vision or approach? Whether it was a coach, mentor, or trusted friends, seeking feedback gave me new perspectives and helped me adjust my course in ways I hadn’t seen on my own.

Step 2: Be Willing to Pivot

Sometimes, the direction I was heading in wasn’t the right one—and that was okay. I had to pivot my business strategy more than once, and each time, it led to better clarity and results. For example, I initially thought I would only work with individuals struggling with career fulfillment, but I realized that people needed broader guidance on life purpose and personal growth. That’s where my true strength was.

Being willing to pivot wasn’t a sign of failure—it was a sign of growth and adaptability. If a certain aspect of my vision wasn’t working, I learned not to be afraid to course-correct. It often led me to a clearer, more aligned path.

I asked myself: Am I willing to change direction if needed? What parts of my vision or approach might need to evolve?

Step 3: Adapt to Life’s Changes

Sometimes, life forces us to adapt. Personal challenges, unexpected opportunities, or changing circumstances might require a shift in priorities. For me, being able to spend more time with my family became a non-negotiable part of my vision, and that meant I had to rethink how I structured my workday and business. Instead of viewing these changes as obstacles, I embraced them as part of the process of refining my vision.

I asked myself: How has life changed for me, and how can my vision adapt to reflect that? Flexibility allowed me to stay aligned with my values and priorities, even when things didn’t go as planned.

Step 4: Keep the Core Vision, But Refine the Details

While flexibility was important, it didn’t mean abandoning my vision entirely. The core of my dream stayed intact—it was the details and approach that evolved over time. The heart of my vision—helping people discover their purpose and creating a life where I could be present for my family—never wavered. But the way I worked toward it changed as I gained more clarity, experience, and insight.

I asked myself: What is the core of my vision that will never change? How can I refine the details while staying true to that core?

Reflection: Embrace Growth Through Flexibility

I took a moment to think about how I could stay flexible as I moved toward my vision. Where could I invite feedback, adjust my approach, or pivot if necessary? Refining my vision didn’t mean sticking rigidly to my first plan—it meant adapting and evolving as I grew.

Staying flexible helped me refine my vision into something that truly worked for my life and goals. By remaining open to change and feedback, I created a path that not only aligned with my purpose but also adapted to the realities of my life. Refining my vision was an ongoing process, and I learned to let it grow and evolve as I did.

Your Vision is a Living Blueprint

Refining my vision has been about more than just creating a plan—it’s about turning my dreams into a clear, actionable path. By asking the right questions, breaking down my goals, staying flexible, committing to consistency, and regularly revisiting my progress, I transformed a vague idea into a detailed, achievable blueprint for success.

I’ve come to understand that my vision is a living thing—it grows and evolves as I do. There have been challenges along the way, but with each step forward, I’ve gained more clarity, confidence, and momentum. I continue to refine my vision, stay committed, and trust that it’s worth pursuing.

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Thank you so much for reading my letter — it means a lot to me.

See you next week,

  • Lucas

Who Is Lucas Mouniama?

I am a writer & mentor for Men. I am obsessed with living life to the fullest.

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