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The Meaning Of Life

What is the meaning of life?

I’ve been obsessed with that question for what felt like forever.

I’ve delved into books, had endless chats, and lost sleep over this elusive question. The more I searched, the more it slipped through my fingers.

The search for meaning left me miserable, even desperate. It felt like chasing a ghost, a treasure that vanished whenever I got close, leaving me frustrated and hopeless.

But eventually it hit me: the reason it’s so elusive is that…

…there is no single answer. Life is meaningless.

Think about it: in 300 years, everything you’ve done will be forgotten. Your name, your deeds – all gone. Do you know your great-great-great-grandfather? Probably not. That’s the reality: everything we do fades away eventually.

But here’s the twist: the fact that life itself is meaningless is what makes it so damn beautiful. Without a set meaning, you’re free to create your own. Life is about being alive, it’s that simple. It doesn’t require a purpose, but you can create one if you wish.

And that’s amazing! You have total freedom with your life. Whether you live with purpose or without, it won’t matter in the end. We’ll all vanish, leaving no trace.

If there were indeed a fixed answer, we’d all be slaves to it from birth. It would be like everyone had to color the same picture exactly the same way. We would all be competing to do it better than each other, and it wouldn’t be creative or exciting anymore. It would be boring. But that’s not the case, so rejoice!

Here’s the revelation about this life-pondering question:

I hope this shifts your perspective like it did for me. Now, I’m free to create my own meaning or not bother at all, knowing that in the end, nothing truly matters.

“But why bother living if there’s no point to it?”

Here are two compelling reasons:

1. We are the lucky ones

We’re here, alive against the odds, so why not make the most of it? This perspective fills me with gratitude for being alive.

Picture this: the likelihood of you coming into existence is incredibly low. Every choice your ancestors made, whether it was something huge like moving to a new country or as simple as taking a different path one day, directly contributed to your existence.

As Neil deGrasse Tyson puts it:

“Most people who could ever exist, will simply never exist.”

Life, then, is a rare gift. We’re fortunate to have it. So, let’s cherish it by living happily and spreading joy to others (if you want to). We’re all in this journey together, even if it lacks inherent meaning.

2. “You only live once.”

You’ve heard that before, right? I’m not a fan. It often leads to reckless behavior. Instead, I say:

“You only die once.”

This reminder encourages me to make the most of my life, embracing every moment because this life is all we have.

Neil deGrasse Tyson has a great way to put it into words:

“It is the knowledge that I’m going to die that creates the focus that I bring to being alive.”

These two reasons highlight the beauty and urgency of life. We’re lucky to be here, so let’s appreciate our rare existence and make the most of every moment.

How to Make the Most of Your Life: Hedonism and Eudaimonism 

There are two exciting paths to make the most of your lifetime:

1. Hedonism

Imagine a life where pleasure and happiness are your main goals. That’s hedonism! Hedonists believe that maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain lead to a good life. It’s all about living for the moment and enjoying yourself. Picture spending time with friends, diving into your favorite hobbies, or treating yourself to something special – that’s the essence of hedonism.

2. Eudaimonism

Now, let’s explore eudaimonism. This approach is about finding deep fulfillment through personal growth, living by your values, and helping others. The word “eudaimonia” comes from Greek and translates to “flourishing” or “human flourishing.” Eudaimonists believe true happiness comes from living a virtuous and meaningful life. Think about setting meaningful goals, being kind and honest, building strong relationships, and making a positive impact on others – that’s eudaimonism.

So, how can you experience these ways of happiness?

For hedonism, dive into activities that bring you joy right now. Spend time with loved ones, pursue hobbies you enjoy, or treat yourself to something nice. The key is immediate gratification and pleasure-seeking.

For eudaimonism, focus on self-improvement, living according to your values, and contributing to the well-being of others. Set meaningful goals, practice virtues like kindness and honesty, build strong relationships, and engage in acts of service or altruism. It’s about finding purpose and fulfillment, even if it doesn’t always bring instant pleasure.

Combining Both Philosophies

What if you want the best of both worlds? Combining hedonism and eudaimonism means balancing enjoyment with making a positive impact.

On one hand, indulge in activities that make you feel good right now. Hang out with friends, savor delicious food, or play your favorite games – that’s the hedonistic side.

On the other hand, focus on personal growth and helping others. Set goals, learn new things, and do good deeds like volunteering or being kind to those around you – that’s the eudaimonistic side.

By merging these two philosophies, you create a life that’s both fun and meaningful. Enjoy the pleasures of life while also feeling fulfilled through personal growth and making a difference in the world. It’s truly the best of both worlds!

How to Create Your Own Meaning

Now let’s get to the juicy part: if you’re looking to embrace the eudaimonism approach to happiness, the first step is to create your own meaning. Here’s how you can do it:

Get to Know Yourself Deeply

Start by delving into your inner self with these 4 reflective questions:

  • What do you need in life to feel good?

-> Explore what brings you joy, fulfillment, and contentment.

  • What do you value as the most important things in life?

-> Identify your core values – the principles that shape your decisions and actions.

  • What are you naturally talented at?

-> Recognize your innate abilities, strengths, and passions.

  • Which positive impact do you want to bring to this world?

-> Envision the kind of difference you want to make in the lives of others and the world at large.

Seek Guidance and Support

If you find yourself struggling with these questions, seek guidance:

I offer 1-on-1 mentoring sessions to help men navigate these reflections and create their path to meaning and fulfillment.

Embrace Life’s Philosophy

Thank you for taking the time to explore this philosophy of life with me. Remember, in the grand scheme of things, nothing truly matters in the end. So, embrace life’s journey, create your own meaning (if you want), and live to the fullest.

Wishing you a pleasant life,

  • Lucas

Who Is Lucas Mouniama?

I am a writer & mentor for Men. I am obsessed with living life to the fullest.

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